DC Animated Films: The Long Halloween (2021)

Watched: Part 1 - 10/02, Part 2 - 10/03 Format: HBOmax Viewing: First Decade: 2020's Director: Chris Palmer I've not kept it a secret that I haven't thought all that much of the narratives of DC Animated films in several years. There's been some winners, and some mediocre stuff, and a certain bit of leaning in to the "edge-tacular" stuff that was kicked off by Flashpoint . Hence, I haven't really wanted to give anyone any money to watch any of the animated features. I've paid for a Superman and Wonder Woman movie here and there, and I know I caught a Bat-film or two, but none of it knocked my socks off. Including some adaptations of some favorite stories straight from the comics. More out of curiosity than anything, Jamie and I decided to check out Batman: The Long Halloween (2021) on HBOmax. She also read the comic maybe 15 years ago, so we both had a bit of knowledge about what to expect. Frankly, for me, i...